Rooted: Experiencing the Strength of Contemplative Ministry
April 27, 2019 @ 9:00AM — 3:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Share a day with congregational leaders as we explore contemplative life and spiritual direction
![Rooted: Experiencing the Strength of Contemplative Ministry image](
Rooted: Experiencing the Strength of Contemplative Leadership
Share a day with congregational leaders, both professional and volunteer, as we explore contemplative life and spiritual direction.
Keynote: "Learn to Rest, Take a Journey, Find a Guide" by Dr. Doug Hardy, Professor of Spirituality at Nazarene Theological Seminary, Kansas City, MO
- Creating a Contemplative Congregational Culture: Discovering the distinctive marks of a contemplative congregational culture and considering how to facilitate congregational development in this direction.
- Contemplative Youth Ministry: Reimagining youth ministry. Learning to be present with students. Showing students how to be present with God. Practical ways to incorporate contemplative practices into our youth ministries.
- The Contemplative Life and Social Justice: Exploring together the ways the contemplative life calls forth the work of justice and how the work of justice calls forth the need for the contemplative life.
- Self-Care and the Contemplative Life: Stewarding our own bodies and souls as we tend to the interests of our organizations and those we serve.
Ticket includes breakout sessions, keynote, and lunch.
9:00 – Opening Session
10:00 – Break
10:15 – Breakouts
11:15 – Break
11:30 – Solitude/small group options
Noon – lunch/free time
12:45 – Breakouts [repeat of 4 morning breakouts]
1:45 – Break
2:00 - Final session
3:00 – Dismiss
Missed the deadline? You may still register here or register on-site Saturday morning.
Event details: